Online Access

Check your balance | Transfer funds | Pay bills | Generate statement | Apply for a Loan

Cheque Drop Box

Save time by placing your cheque deposits (no more than $10,000.00).

Digital Advertising

Promote your products and services digitally at either of our 2 locations.

My SJCCU Mobile App

MySJCCU On the go. Easy and convenient access to your account.

Money Management & Financial Counselling

We offer advice for major purchases, loans and financial planning

Night Deposit (branch)

It’s easy for you to make payments outside of normal operating hours. Available only at the Branch in Mandolin Place, Friars Hill Road.

Payroll Processing

Your payroll cheques deposited to your employees’ accounts

Safety Deposit

A safe place to store your important documents

Standing Orders

A quick, easy way to pay bills on time.


Access to your account via local and regional banking network


We are here to serve you, it is our business to make sure you're prepared to cover funeral expenses during times of family loss.


A health care plan for individual members and their families to cover expenses related to medical, dental and vision care.

Comprehensive Services

Additionally, we offer

Fostering Financial Empowerment: Connecting Communities, Celebrating Innovation, and Bridging Differences with SJCCU

  • The Entrepreneurs “Roundtable” a workshop for business operators hosted annually during the month of October and coincides with International Credit Union Month
  • “We Come to You” with this initiative representative of SJCCU visit businesses, groups and other organisations teaching the Credit Union Difference
  • Hispanic Outreach